How to Promote Your Dropshipping Store-off YouTube

a mini cart with mini boxes on top of the laptop's keyboard
Online shopping concept. Shopping cart, small boxes, laptop on the desk

If you build a dropshipping store, you know that it can take up to a few weeks or even months before people start buying from it.  It will be very hard to get sales if no one visits your YouTube channel and you don’t know how to promote your YouTube Channel.

In this blog post, you’ll learn some methods on how you can promote your Drop Shipping Ads on YouTube. Some of these methods are really simple and cheap while others are more advanced and expensive.

Step #1 – What’s your YouTube Channel About?

It’s really important to know what you’re going to promote in your store in the form of YouTube videos. If you don’t, the idea of this blog post is useless.

Don’t rinse and repeat your products and services over and over again; that’s a waste of time. That could be your first video or 100th video. It all depends on what is unique about it.

One thing that you have to keep in mind before uploading that video is to make sure that it’s something valuable for people who are watching YouTube videos.

It’s good to make the video short, and you can use influencers who are commonly known by other people who watch YouTube. Just do your research on a particular influencer to know what they normally talk about.

Step #2 – Launch Your YouTube Channel Video Description

One thing that can be easily seen on YouTube is the video description. It plays like a trailer before a movie or TV show begins, so it should be very clear and concise.

Make the description very descriptive, but also make it short, like 150-200 characters. If you’re planning on using any influencers, you can mention them in your description. If not, don’t because there are some people who get annoyed when you mention someone else in the description, but don’t give that person any credit or link back to their channel.

Don’t just put a bunch of keywords in your video descriptions to get more views because if YouTube sees that you’ve done this many times, they’ll lower your view count and possibly even take away some channel privileges like getting ads on your channel or even having a channel at all.

Step #3 – Call to Action in Video Description

This is the step where you actually promote your dropshipping store. There are many ways that you can do this.

One way to promote your store is by telling people that you want them to visit your website and contact you there. Another way of promoting your shop is by telling people on YouTube that they can reach out to you through private message or email, but only if they give their email address while they’re messaging. 

Step #4 – Follow-Up System via YouTube messaging

This is something that you should be doing for some of my other channels and it’s very effective. You should have a clear understanding of how to set up a follow up system if you want to make money through YouTube. To make it even simpler, ask them to visit your store after watching the video and get a discount coupon code in your email for them to use when they place an order in your store.

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