Dropshipping Video Ads Length – How Long is Too Long?

Drop shipping is one of the most popular e-commerce business models, since it doesn’t require huge investments in inventory and supply chain management, as well as other things like handling and shipping products yourself. While dropshipping can be an effective business model, it’s important to make sure that you’re choosing the right advertising channels and video length for your dropshipping video ads to maximize their effectiveness with your target audience. This article talks about how long should dropshipping video ads be, as well as what are some of the best practices that you should follow when creating them.

The Ideal Length

When a video is short, it engages viewers because they want to know what’s happening next. When a video goes on too long, people get bored and disengage from it. Depending on your goal, you can run different lengths of video ads. It all depends on what you want to achieve with them. The shorter your ad, usually, it’s easier to retain the viewer’s attention. If you are trying to get a user to click-through or make a purchase through your ad, then longer videos (2+ minutes) tend to have higher click-through rates and conversion rates. This can be used for branding as well, though where shorter ads (15-20 seconds) work better.  But overall, just keep in mind that if people aren’t interested in what they see after 5 seconds, they will likely not continue watching. So, if you know that people would lose interest if your video went much longer than 3 minutes (very long), then keep it short.

Keep in mind too that consumers prefer high quality content over quantity. One thing many businesses like to do when running their own advertisements on YouTube is running a 15 second skip teaser at first, which gives users an option whether or not they want to watch more of the video. After these 30 seconds, there is often some sort of call-to-action asking viewers to subscribe if they liked it, or share with friends who might also enjoy whatever you are selling. All in all, we would say that around one minute seems to be ideal for video length, but always look at your goals and target audience before setting any specific parameters because there may be other factors outside of length that play into how successful these videos will end up being.

For the new dropshippers that has little experience only and no audience to speak of (yet), where does brevity fit into their marketing strategy? The short answer is that, the short-form video ads might still have the place in your marketing strategy. Remember too, that shorter length shouldn’t be confused with lower quality! There are plenty of very short yet super effective and engaging videos out there so do not let yourself think that only long videos can deliver excellent results. You may want to try various lengths of videos to find what works best for you. It really depends on what you’re trying to accomplish.

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